Celebrate Durham
Where you can learn about cool places and events in our community
Orchard Drive Woods Acquisition Gift Form
A citizens' project to enhance Durham's greenbelt and improve pedestrian and bicycle access in the town
Contributor Information
I enclose a one-time donation of $2500___ , $1000___ , Other $______
Any amount will be appreciated and will show your support for the projects.
Please check on of the two options below to indicate your preference:
____ Credit the following for this donation.
____ Credit "Anonymous" for this donation.
Please make checks payable to Orchard Drive Woods Acquisition Trust
Mail or deliver your check and this signed form to: Town of Durham, 8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824
Contributions to the Orchard Woods Drive Acquisition are deemed charitable donations under section 501 (a)
of the Internal Revenue Service code.
For more information about donations, please contact Durham's Business Office, Deb Ahlstrom: 603-868-8043, dahlstrom@ci.durham.nh.us
For more information about the project, please contact committee chair, Dennis Meadows: 603-397-7442, latillede@aol.com
If your employer matches donations, please provide the organization's name below and we will follow up
Authorization to Expend Principal and Interest
I authorize the Town to use this gift, including both principal and interest, to purchase the 25-acre Orchard Drive Woods. I understand funds raised in excess of the cost of the acquisition will be transferred to the Durham Town Land Stewardship Patrons Trust.