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How to Use the Durham Transfer Station-Spring Summer 2020
Over the past year, Durham's recycling and the solid waste program have become an area of concern. Recycling markets have dramatically changed and this has had an impact on the Town budget. The Town Council's goal is to balance costs while following environmental best practices. To achieve this goal, residents need a clear understanding of Durham's solid waste program.
The Durham Town's Transfer and Recycling Center located at 100 Durham Pont Road open to residents and collects waste and recyclables. A free Durham transfer sticker is required to use it and can be picked up either at Town Hall or the Durham Public Works Office. The Transfer Station is open Tuesday and Saturdays 7:30 AM-3 PM. Members of the Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee have put together this guide to help residents effectively use the Transfer Station.
Just up the road from the entrance, residents are asked will to stop at the attendant's stand. They check for a transfer sticker and help direct you to the appropriate disposal areas. paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.